Omega publishes Research Articles and Review Articles
Normally, research articles will be around 6,000 words in length and Review articles 1500 words including footnotes and bibliographic references. Articles of larger size are also considered in special cases.
The title should not exceed more than 15 words
Every Research Article should have 3-10 key words
Submitted manuscripts should have an abstract of maximum 150 words
Manuscripts could be submitted online at [email protected] in MS Word or pdf. The names of the authors or any personal identifications should not appear anywhere on the manuscript.
A separate file in MS Word or pdf should be attached stating the Authors and their institutional affiliation or any other relevant information.
This note published along with the manuscript and briefly informs the readers of the Author’s profession, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address.
Omega follows the APA 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual (2020)
Author-Date Citation System: Cite the author's last name and the year of publication in parentheses.
Parenthetical citation: (Smith, 2020)
Narrative citation: Smith (2020)
Two Authors: Use both authors' last names separated by an ampersand (&).
Parenthetical citation: (Smith & Jones, 2020)
Narrative citation: Smith and Jones (2020)
Three or More Authors: Use the first author's last name followed by "et al."
Parenthetical citation: (Smith et al., 2020)
Narrative citation: Smith et al. (2020)
Group Authors: Spell out the name of the organization or group the first time, and abbreviate thereafter if it is easily recognizable.
First citation: (American Psychological Association [APA], 2020)
Subsequent citations: (APA, 2020)
Multiple Works: List citations in alphabetical order separated by semicolons.
Example: (Johnson, 2019; Smith, 2020)
Direct Quotations: Include the page number.
Example: (Smith, 2020, p. 15)
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher.
Example: Smith, J. (2020). The art of writing. Writing Press.
Journal Articles:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, volume number (issue number), page range.
Example: Johnson, L., & Smith, R. (2020). The impact of reading. Journal of Educational Research, 45(2), 123-135.
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Date). Title of the web page. Website Name. URL
Example: Brown, D. (2020, October 5). Writing tips for beginners. Writing World.
Edited Book Chapters:
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the chapter. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Publisher.
Example: Garcia, H. (2020). Effective communication strategies. In R. Lee (Ed.), Modern communication (pp. 50-70). Comms Press.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the report (Report No. xxx). Publisher. URL
Example: World Health Organization. (2020). Global health report 2020 (Report No. 2020/01).
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Date). Title of the blog post. Blog Name. URL
Example: Lee, S. (2020, September 10). Blogging essentials. Tech Blog.
Alphabetical Order:
List references alphabetically by the first author's last name.
Author Names:
Use the last name followed by the initials of the first and middle names. For multiple authors, separate names with commas and use an ampersand (&) before the last author's name.
Italicize titles of books, journals, and reports. Use sentence case (capitalize only the first word and proper nouns) for article, chapter, and web page titles.
DOIs and URLs:
Include the DOI for journal articles if available. Use the format: If no DOI is available and you accessed the article online, include the URL.
General Tips
Ensure consistency in your formatting across all in-text citations and reference list entries.
Double-check all details, including spelling, capitalization, dates, and punctuation.
Formatting Software:
Consider using APA formatting software or citation tools to minimize errors.
Reference Checking:
Always cross-check citations with the reference list.
Format: Times Roman, 12 Size for the matter, 10 for the endnotes.
The given manuscript should not be submitted to any other journal for simultaneous consideration.
This manuscript should be original and should not be published fully or partially elsewhere.
The manuscript submitted should be a whole in itself. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the manuscript meets the ethical standards of fair research with no room for plagiarism.
All manuscripts Including the invited submissions will be peer reviewed. Normally the reviewers’ response will be conveyed to the authors within a month from the date of submission.